EK-RA6M2 Evaluation kit2
Try FreeRTOS. A sample program called freertos_ek_ra6m2_ep is also provided, but this time a new program is created.
Select Renesas RAC Executable Project.
Select EK-RA6M2 for Board. For the RTOS, choose Amazon freeRTOS. Select a project that includes LED flashing. Generating and running the code was easy. I incorporated the board into the tapper.
嘗試FreeRTOS。 還提供了一個名為freertos_ek_ra6m2_ep的示例程序,但是這次創建了一個新程序。
選擇EK-RA6M2作為開發板。 對於RTOS,選擇Amazon freeRTOS。 選擇一個包含LED閃爍的項目。 生成和運行代碼很容易。 我將板子合併到攻絲器中。